This post is to help you backup and restore a module.
Module being a leaf on the menu on the right.
The exemple I'm using in here is that I have a module or folder if you prefer where I saved all my reports.
If you are planning to do an upgrade it is highly recommended that you backup you own modules in case you lose it.
One thin DO NOT put reports or dashboard on predefined modules. For exemple, do not put reports in the database module. if you move it, you'll lose the access to the database dashboard after the move.
It is better that you create your own module where you can move and create your own objects.
Assuming my reports are in MY Reports modules.
Assuming you are on Linux
Assuming your FMs is installed in the default folder /foglight/Quest_Software/Foglight
How to Backup a module in foglight
On the FMS:
export JAVA_HOME=/foglight/Quest_Software/Foglight/jre/ cd /foglight/Quest_Software/Foglight/bin ./fglcmd.sh -pwd your_password -cmd util:uiexport -m system:your_module_name -f ../your_module_name.zip
How to Restore a module in Foglight
On the FMS:
export JAVA_HOME=/foglight/Quest_Software/Foglight/jre/ cd /foglight/Quest_Software/Foglight bin/fglcmd.sh -pwd your_password -cmd util:uiimport -f your_module_name.zip
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