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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

How to remove a fglam server from foglight enviroment

  • connect to foglight as foglight
  • go to script console
  • Please the following script in the script box
    • server.TopologyService.deleteObject(scope) 
  • save the script since you may have to use it few time
  • select host in the drop down list
  • click on list instances
  • you can refine your search on the object you want to remove using the search box
  • for each occurence do the following
    • Select one occurence
    • select the script you created
    • click on the script name
    • click on run
    • null should appear in the result box
    • repeat this for each occurence
  • once done, refresh the list by clicking on list instances
  • now select remoteclient in the drop down list
  • click list instances
  • you can refine your search on the object you want to remove using the search box
  • for each occurence do the following
    • Select one occurence
    • select the script you created
    • click on the script name
    • click on run
    • null should appear in the result box
    • repeat this for each occurence
  •  once done, refresh the list by clicking on list instances
this complete the removal of the the fglam

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Multiple Quest Foglight Agent Managesr on a Linux host

Multiple FGLAM on one Linux host.

It is possible to have multiple FGLAM on one host .

In my company we are using 2 FGLAMs per host.
We are using FGLAM and Oracle Cartridges.
One thing is that you have to make sure that you do not have more that 70 agents (all agents together) per FGLAM.

Here is our host config for 2 FGLAMs that manage Oracle Agents.

Our FGLAM servers are VMs

CPU: 2
Memory: 8Gb
Filesystems: It is better to have one filesystem per FGLAM

In order to have multiple FGLAM per host you just to run the installer and install the FLGAMs on different folder.
Also use a different name for each one. On our side, for each server we have one server for the dev and one server the prod. here is an exemple
FGLAM1 : your_hostname_dev
FGLAM2 : your_hostname_prod

We also have scripts to stop and start them.

Start one FGLAM foglight_start_fglam
Stop one FGLAM foglight_stop_fglam

Enhanced by Zemanta

How to Start/Stop your FMS

How to Start your FMS

Connect to your FMS

cd /foglight/Quest_Software/Foglight/bin
./fms -d

You can do a tail -f on the logs located in /foglight/Quest_Software/Foglight/logs
Once the FMS is started you can start your FGLAM.

How to Stop your FMS

First you should stop all your FGLAM. It is not necessary but it is better to stop them.
Once the FGLAMs are down you can stop your FMS

Connect to your FMS

cd /foglight/Quest_Software/Foglight/bin
./fms -q 

Friday, February 7, 2014

How to backup and restore a module in Quest Foglight


This post is to help you backup and restore a module.
Module being a leaf on the menu on the right.
The exemple I'm using in here is that I have a module or folder if you prefer where I saved all my reports.
If you are planning to do an upgrade it is highly recommended that you backup you own modules in case you lose it.
One thin DO NOT put reports or dashboard on predefined modules. For exemple, do not put reports in the database module. if you move it, you'll lose the access to the database dashboard after the move.
It is better that you create your own module where you can move and create your own objects.

Assuming my reports are in MY Reports modules.
Assuming you are on Linux
Assuming your FMs is installed in the default folder /foglight/Quest_Software/Foglight

How to Backup a module in foglight

On the FMS:

export JAVA_HOME=/foglight/Quest_Software/Foglight/jre/
cd /foglight/Quest_Software/Foglight/bin
./ -pwd your_password -cmd util:uiexport -m system:your_module_name -f ../

How to Restore a module in Foglight

On the FMS:

export JAVA_HOME=/foglight/Quest_Software/Foglight/jre/
cd /foglight/Quest_Software/Foglight
bin/ -pwd your_password -cmd util:uiimport  -f

How to generate a FMS bundle command line

Generate a FMS bundle command line

Here is the command to generate a FMS bundle command line

export JAVA_HOME=/foglight/Quest_Software/Foglight/jre/
nohup ./ -usr foglight -pwd your_password -cmd support:bundle -f /foglight/Quest_Software/Foglight/support/foglight/ &